Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hiking x Seven

We took the kids and the neighbor children hiking! Quite the adventure with more kids and more personalities. (Pictured: Hank, Addy, Owen, Jackson and Aurora.)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lucky 13

We had such a busy day!!! First it was Dave's birthday--he turned 34! It was also the 3rd anniversary for Poop Happens! The day was so crazy--but a lot of fun! It started with Aurora leaving early to watch a friend play soccer. I packed all morning to camp in a cabin later that evening. When Moo got home, Dave left to do an organized River clean in a canoe--a great tribute to Poop Happens as we are already doing our part in keeping poop out of the Rivers. Then Aurora came home--one quick change and a washcloth--and she was off to a new friends birthday party! Jackson and I ventured back to see Dave in his canoe and found a soaking wet Daddy--he fell in! Yuck...So after a quick shower, picking up Aurora we were off to The City Wide Plant Show! Jackson won a blue ribbon for his Dusty Miller at school --so he was asked to go to the next round! We were so excited to see he won THERE too! Go Jackson!

We came home, packed the car...AND WENT CAMPING! It was awesome. The kids had a GREAT time! The cabin was adorable, the lake was beautiful and the bugs were only mildly bothersome. :)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Tourist in Our Town

Yesterday, was Be a Tourist in Your Town in Fort Wayne and we took full advantage! We did not hit everything as time was limited but we did our best! We went out to eat downtown, ventured in the Firehouse Museum, walked over to the Courthouse--which is gorgeous, and then looked around our History Museum--even sat in an old jail cell. We finished up with seeing our friend and neighbor Patrick play the base in Freiman Square. It was an all around awesome day!